Welcome to this web presence of Emotions Anonymous (EA) members in the UK. EA is a network of self-help groups for people suffering from mental and emotional difficulties, based on the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous.
EA exists since the early 1970s, with the largest number of groups in the US and Germany. This website has been established to encourage and facilitate the growth of EA in the UK, so that many more people can experience the fellowship and serenity our meetings can bring, and discover: "You are not alone!"
We hope you'll enjoy browsing around and getting to know more about us. You will find that EA places a strong emphasis on spirituality. Be not deterred if the texts use the word God quite a lot. EA is a spiritual program, not a religious program and welcomes people of all faiths and none.
By clicking here you can locate the meeting closest to you, and if there isn't one yet, you can start your own group. EA headquarters in the US send out a starter pack on a donation basis, use this link.