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UK Intergroup Representatives and Minutes

Our Primary Purpose

It is the intent of this inaugural UK Intergroup to be guided by the 12 traditions, the 12 concepts, a loving higher power and a group conscious, consisting of a representation from as many individual UK EA meetings as was possible to garner.


With this mentality, and just for today, it is believed that there presents the possibility to assist EA in the UK in the following manner:


1) Carrying the message to the persons still suffering from emotional problems, by:

A. Maintaining the current website to assist in disseminating information on:

  • Information for the newcomer

  • Providing EA literature

  • List of meetings locations/times and zoom Ids


B. Creating a new website with a modern design and with additional information:

  • Service opportunities

  • Sponsorship guidance and support

  • Outreach call contacts

  • Other support and information deemed helpful to our purpose


2) Providing support and guidance, to UK EA groups, without endangering the autonomy of individual meetings, in the areas of:

  • Finances

  • Public information

  • Setting up new meetings

  • Conferences and retreats



Monday online meeting - Nick B

Tuesday Newcastle face to face meeting - Becs L

Tues & Thursday Newcastle online meetings - Terron

Wednesday Online meeting - Heather

Thursday Lancaster face to face meeting - Liz

Friday London online meeting - Anne S

Saturday Online - Amber

Sunday Reading online meeting - Asha

Sunday Nottingham face to face meeting - Robert





Attendees: Anne, Amber, Robert, Nick, Asha, Becs

Website Committee Updates:
IG DESCRIPTION: reviewed with all

Add Asha to Sunday and Heather to Weds for IG Rep.

Existing Website Admin

Look for an EA member to take over the Website Admin role from Anne (been in role for 2 years)
Define website admin role
Member of intergroup or an associate reporting to the intergroup?
Role description 

  • Checking website admin email

  • Making amends to meeting times and details

  • Adding new pages and information to the existing website as required by the intergroup


  • Possibly 2 people to share, start with 1 first. Main person and a back-up person to share the IG Website Role (active UK EA members); Plan C - Anne S. will write up and share description with the IG - contact Anne S. directly with an end date, if interested. IG Reps will share this with their groups.

New website build 

  • Wix website software

  • Writing content 

  • Search Engine Optimization SEO


  • IG Reps to ask the groups if they have anyone with the right skills to support website rebuild - keep being fully self supporting in mind when moving forward 1-3 persons to share; meet 3-4 weeks in a subcommittee

  • Goal of updating the website: : to modernize, show an attractive layout, put more information on the site (adding links to more info), what to expect in your first meeting-FAQ’s-Newcomers, Sponsorship, Blogs, to make the site as useful as possible, etc.


  • Share the service role with IG Reps to share in our groups and contact Anne S. directly with a 3-4 week period, if interested.


  • Alternatively: Find someone to rebuild the website for us

  • £300-750 paid for by contributions from the groups.

  • Will need to provide content and structure

Sponsorship Committee Notes: 

  • Link → EA UK IG Sponsorship

  • Additional resource below, “Carry This Message.”


  • Summarized committee info, email received from EAI with abundant information on sponsorship

  • Information on Sponsorship, links to literature on Sponsorship, speak to someone about sponsorship, FAQ’s, Sponsor list/google doc, (Newcomer Tab?)

  • Remind meetings to encourage stating somewhere in their format, “If you are available to sponsor, please raise your hand or put your information in the chat.”

  • Additional comments, items for the good of the whole?

  • Add Sunday, Spiritual Awakening Workbook to the website

  • Annual Online Conference/Special Topic-Guest Speaker

  • New Castle IP Conference more centrally located potential for 2025




Anne S, Amber E, Heather R, Liz D, Terron E

  1. Next steps:

    1. Literature update: Added Colin’s contact info to the website, updated website to make more relevant

    2. IG DRAFT Purpose: Anne will make some edits and share with the group in Whatsapp

  2. Subcommittee updates:

    1. Sponsorship: update given, meeting to be scheduled mid-June, Amber will be added to the Whatsapp

    2. Website: 

      1. Website subscription cost were £15.59 Go Daddy hosting and Wix £57.60 - total £73.19. I can supply receipts. 

      2. 10 pounds requested for contribution per group for website (How many IG group reps do we have? 8 - update website list to include Saturday meeting)

      3. Presentations reviewed by Heather and Anne for website update

      4. Is copyright something we need to look into as far as permission to post EA information on the UK website?

  3. Next meeting: July 16, 2024 at 8pm UK



Attendees - Erin, Nick, Heather, Terron & Becs 
Apologies - Robert & Liz


Colin is the literature Sec again for the Wednesday meeting - he has stated he is happy for his contact details to go on website as a contact for literature 

Jan is the lit sec for Tuesday and Thursday (Newcastle) online meetings - Anne to contact Jan to see if she is okay/comfortable with her details being on the website as another contact 

Website to be updated with how/where to order and with above changes. 

EA Intergroup “Purpose Statement”

Information/ draft statement provided by Terron 

This is to be added to the Intergroup section on the website 

Agreed to call it “Our Primary Purpose” as her EA traditions 

Group feedback is to divide section one into what the website has now and what it is working on/what it will offer 

Anne agreed to make amendments from Terron’s draft 

Thanks given to Terron for his work put into the draft. 

Subcommittee reports 

Currently there is no further update from the Sponsorship committee following the last meeting 


Anne provided update that it is time to pay for the annual EA UK website costs, Anne is agreed to pay the cost then provide an invoice which is to be reimbursed by asking individual groups (via intergroup reps) to provide a donation - around £10-£15 is the estimated cost per group. Anne to update further in due course 

Website Redesign 

Heather shared redesign PowerPoint - thanks given to Heather for all her effort in putting it together

Shared the website traffic - mainly people who access the sight look at meeting information 

Heather provided a detailed sight map for the current website and preposed new website 
- [ ] Current website is not logical and tangled in its flow 

Heather to send through website maps so everyone can see. 

Focus on website to be on attraction of newcomers and of the meetings 

It was suggested that links within the website be inputed as images - Wix has website templates which can be helpful. Group agreed that positive use of language and images could promote a feeling of calm and wellbeing from the website to draw in the newcomer. 

Any other business 

Erin provided feedback from the EA international committee that they are looking for members to provide stories or experiences around Love. They are working on a new book, looking to change on of the principles from responsibility to love (apologies if I have not noted this down correctly). 

Erin to provide further information on this in WhatsApp and this to be shared around wider groups to look for volunteers. 

Next meeting - Tuesday 4th June at 8pm. 
Anne agreed to chair the meeting, minute taker role to be filled at time of the next meeting!



Present: Ann S, NickB, Terron E, Liz D, Robert EC.
Apologies: Heather, Becs, Erin.

1.Previous minutes OK. Main matters arising a)Intergroup guidelines and Mission discussion is ongoing and will feature next time
ACTION Terron to draft 5 bullets for review/vote next time
b) Work by Terron and Becs regarding, 'getting the word out without self-promoting'. This is ongoing. Good work done about paper and digital methods. Becs may be able to share a useful pamphlet next time. Terron reported exciting developments from New Zealand, 24hr/7day/365 access to a meeting (AA)
MEETING AGREED we can draw on wider circle of fellows to wherever good ideas are found (we could invite those with experience Aleks and Colin on Literature for example)
ACTION further updates next meeting Terron/Becs
ACTION Robert post paper notice example
Intergroup has said no to a coordinating role with literature and finance. This can be reviewed and changed. Survey results have been reviewed and circulated

2.Feedback subgroups:

Sponsorship, several participants noted a very good discussion was had but more time would be needed before making any proposals to intergroup. The group was mindful of the autonomy of groups and the sensitivities of guidance in a mental health field. Initial discussion around guidelines to become a sponsor, period of sobriety, being on programme for how long. Comfort and confidence development around ideas like co-sponsoring and temporary sponsors and having a guiding experienced sponsor

Website May be possible to have an on-line store (this development may require review of the inter-group role) Literature: Jan Fairburn may be the only current Literature Sec'. Terron mentioned the possibility of a 'Newcomer Digital Starter pack'
ACTION: Literature to be on the agenda again if only for updates
ACTION: Ann to ask Jan if she has anything to add
Ann outlined website additions and possible additions, first names, a cut and paste of minutes, ending times for meetings. The subgroup are taking responsibility for individual 'page ideas' and the website has become intergroup's area of control (signed off by Wednesday group)
ACTION: Subgroup outling further whats to be done. Meeting next week

3.Frequency of meetings
Time of 8pm considered OK and meeting approved a 6 week cycle as the number of inter group meetings should be sesitive to number of subgroup meetings
Chair to be chosen one meeting ahead. Chair to 'pull-together' agenda.
ACTION: Nick B to chair next time, 16th April
ACTION: Subgroup minutes and agenda items to Nick by 9th April



Meeting Chair: Erin
Note Taker: Terron E
Present at the Meeting
Anne S - Rep. Friday London Online
Nick B - Rep. Monday Online Meeting
Liz D - Rep. Lancaster Face to Face
Robert C - Rep. Sunday Nottingham Face to Face
Becs L - Tuesday Newcastle Face to Face
Erin - Rep. Wednesday London Online

Topics Discussed
EA Literature procurement and distribution: Becs started by answering a question from Liz how
literature purchasing was accomplished at the Newcastle face to face meeting. Terron E.
Expressed what he had learned about electronic literature and that EA international considered
about 20 pamphlets free and distributable. Possibility of making a “newcomers kit” out of them
but the Newcastle group conscious had not voted on that yet. It was believed that purchasing
and distributing Literature was not something the intergroup felt it should be involved with at this
time, but would consider adding a link to the free digital pamphlets.
Survey/Questionnaire sent to EA meetings: As a continuation to the previous Intergroup
meeting, in which discussion on responses to the survey topics were discussed, the responses
on the survey related to sponsorship were read to the group and considered. It was mentioned
how important sponsorship was in fulfilling tradition 5 and guiding those still suffering with the
steps/program. It was also mentioned that sponsors appeared to be a finite resource. This led
to questions surrounding sponsorship. and a subcommittee was created to provide some
guidance/talking points for the next intergroup meeting.

Finances: Question was raised about local EA meetings donating to Intergroup UK and
establishing a bank account. It was decided that Intergroup UK is currently not interested in
getting in the way of contributions to EA international and the need for a bank account deferred.

Web page : discussions were had related to what should, and should not be, on the Intergroup
web page, however, due to the fact that there is a subcommittee meeting related to the web
page in the near future and decisions were deferred. In the spirit of transparency, there was
some discussion related to putting mission statement on the intergroup web page. A draft
mission statement started to form discussions related to the survey responses (seen as extracts
from meeting minutes 1/9/24)

Next Steps
Web Site Meeting set for February 13th
Create draft on sponsorship - committee meeting set up for the 20th 8:00 pm BST
Further Discussions on Intergroup UK mission statement
Further Discussions on carrying the message without self promoting
Next meeting set for March 5th

Extract from the minutes 1/9/24 -The EA intergroup will

Provide Support , Guidance and Share information on Finance, Public Information, New
Meetings, Sponsorship, Conferences/Retreats and Service
Maintain and plan the development of the website; including up to date information for
newcomers (eg how to use zoom link to a newcomer rep or buddy), ‘what is EA’?, links to
literature, maintaining a list of sponsors and support for new sponsors(database), ability to
donate (to EA international), support line, search engine optimisation.
Carry the Message and Support the Newcomer; other fellowships, how to attract newcomers to
the fellowship, leaflets and posters
Provide Public Information; social media, information, churches, libraries, attractional leaflets
and experiential stories
Sponsorship; TBC



Meeting Chair: Robert 

Minute taker: Nick B


In attendance;

Anne S - Friday London online meeting

Becs L - Tuesday Newcastle face to face meeting

Paul G - Thursday Lancaster face-to face meeting

Robert - Sunday Nottingham face to face meeting

Heather - Sunday Reading online meeting

Nick - Monday online meeting

Erin – Wednesday



Terron – Tues & Thursday Newcastle online meetings





Meeting minutes

Previous minutes were discussed, and an action remains for Anne to put a note on the EA Website about the EA Intergroup



Becs fedback on the questionnaire results. 

It was suggested that the responses to the questionnaire could form the basis of the ‘terms or reference’ for the EA intergroup acknowledging the autonomy of each group and respect for the 12 traditions.


The EA intergroup will

1.        Provide Support , Guidance and Share information on Finance, Public Information, New Meetings, Sponsorship, Conferences/Retreats and Service

2.        Maintain and plan the development of the website; including up to date information for newcomers (eg how to use zoom link to a newcomer rep or buddy), ‘what is EA’?, links to literature, maintaining a list of sponsors and support for new sponsors(database), ability to donate (to EA international), support line, search engine optimisation.

3.        Carry the Message and Support the Newcomer; other fellowships, how to attract newcomers to the  fellowship, leaflets and posters

4.        Provide Public Information; social media, information, churches, libraries, attractional leaflets and experiential stories

5.        Sponsorship; TBC


Becs was thanked for the excellent format in which it was presented and a great piece of work

There will be an Interim meeting for the website – Anne to send out dates

DONM; Tuesday 6/2/24 at 8pm



Meeting Chair: Anne S

Minute taker: Becs L


In attendance;

Anne S - Friday London online meeting

Becs L - Tuesday Newcastle face to face meeting

Paul G - Thursday Lancaster face to face meeting

Robert - Sunday Nottingham face to face meeting

Terron - Tues & Thursday Newcastle online meetings

Heather - Sunday Reading online meeting

Nick - Monday online meeting



Meeting Name

Frequency of meetings

Roles within intergroup

Terms of reference


Meeting minutes


Group decided on the name “UK Intergroup”


Becs taken down names and contact numbers as provided in the chat box and agreed to create a WhatsApp group under agreed name.


Frequency of meetings agreed to be currently flexible given that the group is new and in its infancy, to allow for development and growth. Next meeting in 4 weeks then will agree next date at that time.


Anne S discussed the current UK EA website, group voted/agreed to bring this in as the collective responsibility of the intergroup not just a singular person.


Suggestions to develop website;

- [ ] Website makeover

- [ ] Sponsorship on a national scale

- [ ] Resources for new sponsors

- [ ] Outreach availability and contacts

- [ ] Literature - points of contact

- [ ] Ideas of service roles

- [ ] Public information


Terron agreed to get in touch with EA and AA contacts in the US regarding public information strategies or ideas to stay in line with tradition 5.


Group discussed possibility of a social media presences also, to be further discussed when info re. Public information is gained.


Becs discussed the idea of creating a survey asking EA members what they would like to see from the intergroup, a sort of focus group. Becs agreed to create this and circulate around groups/meetings.


Roles within the intergroup;

- [ ] Website - group responsibility

- [ ] Chair - to rotate per meeting

- [ ] Minutes to rotate per meeting

- [ ] Treasurer - to be further discussed if needed.


Next meeting - 9th January 2024 at 8pm.


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